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Improvisation is key to Wu Junyong’s work, where the individual and space clash to form a new energy. For him, drawing is like winding through a memory palace. A partial image grows as imagination takes flight, soaring to the edges of the available picture plane. As artist wrestles with imaginist, the unpredictable outcome forms the ground from which Wu Junyong’s ever-morphing style launches itself. The intangible link between language and image draws Wu Junyong, urging him to create works full of puns that unearth the hidden languages in images. He turns the abstract written word into the more direct image, imbuing both with new meanings, and bringing viewers into his realm – pictorially absurd at first glance, but revealing a literary realism after a double take. Recent ink wash paintings connect contextually like an iconographical game of Patience. More ideological than before, these works signal Wu Junyong’s search for freer artistic conditions beyond geography and time.



《假山画皮》Painted Skin Amidst Rockery 2017 纸本水墨 Ink wash on paper 196×325 cm
《猎鲸图》Whale Hunting 2016 纸本水墨 Ink wash on paper 196×455 cm

《亚当夏娃》Adam and Eve 2016 纸本水墨 Ink wash on paper 325×98 cmg 2016 纸本水墨 Ink wash on paper 196×455 cm

《移石图》Shifting Rocks 2017 纸本水墨 Ink wash on paper 196×260 cm

《三界》Three Dimensions 2017 纸本、矿物颜料、墨汁 Mineral colours and ink wash on paper 260×501 cm

《龙虎豹》Dragon, Tiger, Leopard 2016 纸本水墨 Ink wash on paper 196×195 cm

《海运图》Sea Voyage 2017 纸本水墨 Ink wash on paper 294×325 cm

《帝国角落》Corner of the Empire 2017 纸本水墨 Ink wash on paper 294×195 cm

《瓷屋卧象》The Supine Elephant in a House of Porcelain 2016 纸本水墨 Ink wash on paper 196×325 cm

《东山七士》Seven Heroes of East Hill 2016 纸本水墨 Ink wash on paper 196×325 cm

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